2604 Ashley River Road, Charleston, SC 29414
(843) 766-1541 office@oldstandrews.org

OSA 101
Are you ready to become a member of Old St. Andrew's Parish Church?
Then our OSA101 classes are for you!
Are you ready to become a member of Old St. Andrew’s Parish Church (OSA)? Our OSA101 Class for newcomers is coming in the autumn! On the Sunday afternoons of October 2, 23 and November 13 from 1:00 - 4:00, Father Marshall will lead a class covering topics including “Why do we need Church?” Old St. Andrew’s history, Anglicanism, and the confirmation vows themselves. If you are interested in taking these classes with the intention of being Confirmed, Reaffirmed or Received by the Bishop on November 20, please contact the church office.
843-766-1541 or office@oldstandrews.org
Do you have a 15 year old who is ready for confirmation? If so, please contact the church office so we can invite them to confirmation classes. They will attend the three OSA101 classes in addition to a few of their own.